Performance Incentive Based on Leaves

Providing performance incentives to employees not taking leaves helps resolve absenteeism and improve productivity.  It encourages better employee attendance at work.  Though taking leaves is encouraged, there are certain leaves that are better if the employee does not avail thereof such as medical leave. 

When a company provides incentives to employees for not taking medical leaves, the employees are encouraged to stay fit and healthy.  With these, the company and employees are both enjoying the benefit of not getting sick. 

In Carbonate HR, you will be able to set up a performance incentive based on leave. 

Before doing so, the leave type must be added to the leave type section. 


Step 1

On the dashboard, go to the Settings section and click the Leave/Holiday tab.

Step 2

Scroll down to Performance Incentive-Based on Leave. Click on +Add Incentive.

Step 3

Add the incentive title and select the leave type.

Step 4

Define the incentive structure.

Step 5

Select the incentive cycle, payment month, and other details.

Step 6

Click Save.

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