Set the Limit on Retaking the Assessments

In Carbonate HR, we can allow the employees to retake the assessments.  However, we can also set the limit on retaking the assessment. Aim: Is to set the limit while retaking the assessments. 

When setting the limit, the course must be created. Below is the user guide for your reference.

Only the Admin and Manager with Onboarding privileges may perform this setup.



Step 1

On the dashboard, go to the Onboarding module.

Step 2

Click +Create Course.

Step 3

Create a course with the details like title and course overview. 

Then, toggle the button “Allow to retake assessment” to enable the option. Input the desired number of retakes on the “Set limit of retake assessments *”.


Step 4

Click Set Content.

Now, follow the prompt as you create the course.

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