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Set the Email Notifications
Carbonate HR lets you set up when you would like to receive an email notification from Announcements, Leave request updates, Payroll, Appraisal, Roster, and when you Check-in or Check-out. You may even set to disable the email notification feature.
To set it up, you must have a Carbonate HR account.
Step 2
Scroll down to the Email notification.
Here, you can enable the features by ticking on the respective boxes.
Announcements. You will receive a notification when a new announcement is released and you are included as a recipient.
Leave request updates. You will receive a notification when the Approving Manager takes action on your request either approving or rejecting thereof.
Payroll notifications. You will receive a notification when payroll is generated and processed.
Appraisal notifications. You will receive a notification when there is a new ongoing or upcoming cycle of appraisal available.
Roster notifications. You will receive a notification when there are updates about the rostering, work schedules, and etc.
Check-in/out notifications. If the employee uses the thermal scanner for check-in/out, you can also get the notification.
Please do not send me any notifications. Ticking this box means you will not receive any notifications.