Set the Compensation Value for Work During Non-working Days Based on the Labour Types

Should the employee render work during non-working days and the company provides salary compensation for this, you can set the compensation value based on the labour types of Staff. 

Basically, you need to set up the labour types of Staff (e.g. Permanent, Contractual, etc). Refer to this guide to update the employee information.


Step 1

On the dashboard, go to the Settings section.  Click the Leave/Holidays tab.

Step 2

Scroll down to Work on a non-working day.

Give compensation for work done on Rest day? The default selection is set to No.

Toggle the Yes button to enable the feature.

Step 3

Set different rates based on different groups? Toggle the Yes button. 

Click +Add condition.


Step 4

On the page of Compensation for Work on Rest/Off day, select the desired compensation type and rate.

Scroll down to “Applicable for”.  

Click the dropdown list and choose “Select based on labour types

Step 5

For the labour type, click the field and select the applicable labour type (e.g. permanent, contractual, etc)

Step 6

Click Save.

Step 7

Now, you can view the salary compensation based on the labour type.

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