Publish an Employee Handbook
Employee Handbook is crucial. It serves as the guide for new hires in understanding the mission, vision, and standard operating procedures. It may contain policies, reprimands, and much other vital information as well.
Carbonate lets you create and publish an employee handbook for all employees or individual employees. Once it is published, an email notification will be received by the employee.
Some important details must be considered when preparing the handbook such as the company logo and name. Kindly refer to the user guide below for your guidance.
Click on the Employee handbook.
Here, you can now prepare the document. Use the Formatting buttons to format the documents.
The Insert Company Info lets you add the Company name and Company logo.
Review the content.
A. Save.
The Save button lets you save it as a draft. You can still edit the content before you can publish it.
B. Publish.
Once the employee handbook is ready for publishing, click the Publish button.
Publish for All Employee Profiles
If you prefer that all employees will receive the employee handbook, select the “All your Employee Profiles” from the drop-down list.
Then, click the Publish button.
Publish for Individual Employee Profiles
If you wish that specific employees or group of employees can receive the published employee handbook, select “Individual Employee Profiles.”
Then, click the Next button.
You can choose selected employees to view the handbook by clicking on the blue arrow beside the employee name list, as shown in the sample image.
You can also remove selected employees by clicking on the red X button beside the employee name list, as shown in the sample image.
After doing so, scroll down at the bottom of your employee list, and then click on “Publish”.
Publish for No Employee Profiles
If you prefer to publish the employee handbook without considering the employee profile, select the “No Employee Profiles” from the drop-down list.
Then, click the Publish button.
You can watch the video here: