How Can I Archive and Unarchived the Claims?
Document archiving is vital in storing information securely and is no longer in use regularly.
In archiving, data are not deleted permanently.
- It stops losing data.
- It keeps documents organised and easily accessible.
- It improves compliance.
- It provides more storage spaces in the server.
- Records for claims are easily accessible during auditing and can be retrieved for legal reasons.
Only Admin and Managers with Payroll privileges can archive the claims.
Before you archive the claim, check how to submit the claim here. How to add a new claim?
Admins/Managers can also submit a claim on behalf of the Staff. How to submit a Claim on behalf of the staff?
Head to
Log into your account using your email address and password.
Choose the relevant option.
- Tick the box for Select All to select all claims at once.
- Tick the box for each Staff to select only the specific Staff’s claim to archive.
- Once done selecting the claims, click the Archived Claims.
When archiving is successful, a prompt will appear at the top part of the page.
The archived claim should be removed (not permanently) from the claim list.
To Unarchived the archived Claims,
- Go to Filter.
- On the drop-down list of Status, select the Archived.
- Click Submit.
All the archived claim lists will appear.
Choose the relevant option.
- Tick the box for Select All to select all claims at once.
- Tick the box for each Staff to select only the specific Staff’s claim to archive.
- Once done selecting the claims, click the Unarchived Claims.
When unarchiving is successful, a prompt will appear at the top part of the page.
The claims should be retrieved from the archived claim list.