Create Online Meeting Rooms From the Mobile App
You can now set up a digital or online meeting room in the Workspace from the mobile app. With this, you can access the Carbonate and attend the meeting anytime and anywhere you are.
Before setting it up, make sure that you have downloaded the Carbonate HR from Google Play or App Store.
Check that you are allowed to create meeting rooms. Admin, Managers, and Staff may be entitled to create the meeting rooms on the mobile app.
Open the Carbonate HR from the mobile app.
Login to your account.
Should you forgot the password, kindly click the Forgot your Password to reset it. Or, you may contact the Admin.
Go to the Online tab.
This tab shows the available online meeting rooms.
Click the plus (+) sign located on the lower right portion of the screen.
Fill out all the required fields.
A. Image
Choose a meeting room image by taking a photo or choose from your library/gallery.
B. Title
Input a unique title for the meeting room. This is a required field.
C. Platform
It can be the video conference or calling app such as Zoom, Skype, Google Meet, etc.
D. Meeting Link
Copy the link generated from the platform. In this example, we will create a meeting in the Google meet.
How to generate links? Check out these tutorials.