Why automate child care allocation after X numbers of months of employment
In Carbonate, we follow the governing labour laws and regulations, especially on the employee leave benefits and privileges. Once the employee meets the criteria and is eligible for the leave, the Carbonate HR will automatically make the employee entitled to that child care benefits and privileges.
However, to make it customizable for users, we allow an option to do the automated allocation after X numbers of months (Range 0 to 11) of employment.
For detailed information on eligibility and entitlement, you may visit the following references from MOM Singapore.
Child Care Leave
Maternity Leave
Paternity Leave
Shared Parental Leave
Extended Child Care Leave
Unpaid Infant Care
Log in to your Carbonate account, go to the Settings section, and click on the Leave/Holiday tab.
Scroll down to the Child Care Leave Sharing section.
There is an option for “After how many months of employment the automate child care allocation to be applied?”
– By default, 3 is set as the initial value, and automated allocation will be done based on that.
– You can update the month in the 0 to 11 range to do the allocation as per your requirements.
– 0 month will be treated as immediate, and automated child care allotment will be applied on the next day of the joining date if it’s the current date or future date set for the same.
Click Save.
The system will automatically check the ineligibility for the allocated Child Care Leaves based on MOM rules and will auto-disable it.