How to generate MOM Survey report in Carbonate?

These are the following tasks to be able to generate MOM Labour Survey form with the first 3 parts filled up.


Log in to your Carbonate and go to Analytics -> Select Report -> Dropdown box -> Generate Report

To be able to generate and download the entire M.O.M report, with the first 3 Worked filled up via Carbonate;

Part 1 - Labour Turnover and Job Vacancy
Part 2 - Highest Qualification Attained
Part 3 - Hours Worked

The rest of the report will be done by the employers.


Go to Staff List -> Employee Profile -> General

To input an open field with a dropdown list of 4 following items;

Managers and Professionals
Associate professionals and technicians
Clerical, sales, and service workers
Production & transport operators, tradesmen, cleaners, and labourers

Priority is to complete Task A first, the rest would follow after.

Step 1.
  • Click on “Analytics” from the left side menu
  • Click on the “MOM Survey” button.
Step 3.
  • Fill up the required details and click on generate.
Step 4.
  • Once generated you will get word docs with all the required metrics.

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