Enhanced Announcement Module
Carbonate lets you send an announcement to staff. Here are some features of the announcement module:
- Option when to show the announcement
- You see who among the staff has already seen the announcement
- You can edit and update the announcement
- You can attach a video
To create a new announcement, please log in to Carbonate.
To create an announcement, click on the Communications module.
Go to Announcement located at the left navigation.
Select the desired showing time from the option like check-in, check-out and instant.
You may select a combination of options.
Type in the message and click on “Save” to post the announcement.
You can check if your staff has seen this announcement or not by clicking the eye-like-icon on the announcement.
You can always come back and edit your announcement.
Click on the edit button, update your announcement, and click on the “Send” button.
You may click “Delete” if you wish to delete this announcement.
We can also edit the announcement by clicking on the Edit button under the Communication module.