Working day variations_Half Day from employee profile
On carbonate, for employees working on daily fixed shifts, admin can declare a day as half working day from the employee profile and variations for its occurrences in a month. This setting can easily be implemented on Carbonate by following the steps mentioned below.
Please login to carbonate with your credentials.
Please go to the general tab of the employee profile and enable half day options for the staff.
Case 1: In case if you allow half day for all occurrences in a month of a specific week day from the employee profile, then choose this option for your staff.
In case if you allow half day for the first occurrence in a month of a specific week day from the employee profile, then choose this option for your staff.
In case if you allow half day for the last occurrence in a month of a specific week day from the employee profile, then choose this option for your staff.
In case if you allow half day for the all occurrences except first occurrence in a month of a specific week day from the employee profile, then choose this option for your staff.
In case if you allow half day for the alternative occurrence in a month of a specific week day from the employee profile, then choose this option for your staff.