Show the COVID-19 Vaccination Mark on the Staff Profile

In promoting a safer environment against COVID-19, many companies may encourage the employees to get their vaccines.  You can monitor who has their vaccine in Carbonate HR by marking the staff profile as COVID-19 vaccinated.  

This feature is available both for web browsers and mobile application.

When marking the Staff profile, the Staff profile must be created or updated.  Refer to the following user guides:

Only Admin may be able to add the COVID-19 vaccination details.

Step 1

On the dashboard, go to the Staff list.

Select the Staff profile.

Step 2

Go to the Contact info tab.

Toggle the button for “This employee has gotten their Covid-19 Vaccination”

Step 3

Select the date for 1st vaccination date and 2nd vaccination date.

Scroll down and click Save.

Step 4

Once both the dates are added and saved these details, the staff list page should show the mark as Vaccinated for that particular staff. 

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