Compensation approval
Compensation Request
OT Allowance
OT Approval
OT compensation
OT Rejection
Over Time allowance
overtime compensation
Overtime Policy
Manage the Team Compensation Request
When an employee has rendered overtime, he/she may be given an Overtime Allowance subject to the guidelines of the company policy.
Generally, to start with, the employee must have performed the attendance in Carbonate HR. There are different ways to check-in and check out in Carbonate HR. Below are the user guides for your reference.
Also kindly make sure the overtime policy is defined in the settings.
In case the OT rate is special for the staff, please mention it on the employment tab of the staff profile.
Step 3
To take action on the team’s recent request for attendance compensation:
- Click on the Check sign if the check-in time is correct and the staff is supposed to work
- If not, click on the Cross sign to reject the attendance approval request.
Once the overtime is approved, it will be shown on the payroll of the user.
Compensation Approval
You can watch the video here: