How Payslip Item Code will be Reflected in the Payroll Summary Report

The adding of payslips entity code can be configured under payroll settings in settings, under more tab, payroll.

Please check if you have logged in to Carbonate before making any changes.


Step 1

Click on Settings on the left-side menu.

Step 2

Please go to More options and then click Payroll.

Step 3

Scroll down and look for Payslip Item Codes. Click on Add Payslip Entity Code to add the item and the code.

Step 4

Click on Save.

Step 5

Click on Payroll on the left-side menu.

Step 6

Click on Select file generate option drop-down menu and click on Export payslip history.

Step 7

Select the preferred period and click export.


Check on the department-group sheet and the entity code will be visible under the payroll summary report.

Payslip item code

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