Compensation Preference for Work on a Leave Day
If the company provides varying compensation for the employees who worked on a leave day, then Carbonate HR can also configure the same. Basically, the compensations can be a Rest day in lieu of a salary or a salary itself in lieu of a Rest day.
Kindly update the Staff profile and mark the Rest Day and Off Day. Below are the user guides for your reference.
If you wish to select the compensation type as off in lieu, you can select the compensation preference accordingly.
If you wish to select the compensation type as salary compensation, you can select the folds of per day salary, and accordingly, based on the total working hours of the employee, compensation will be generated.
If you wish to select the hourly rate, then the folds per hour salary for each hour will be compensated to the employee.
You can also choose to select a particular labor type. Then only the selected people will be eligible for the leave day compensation.
Click on Save.
- Once it is done, the compensation will be generated accordingly for the user.
- If the chosen compensation is salaried compensation, it will be reflected in the payroll while generating the payslip.
- Once the payslip is generated, we can generate the YTD report.
- We can generate and submit the CPF.
- We can generate the bank GIRO file.
- We can also submit the IR8A file.