Set the Limit to Poll Responses

In a poll, specific questions may be published to measure everyone’s opinion. Each person who is allowed to participate can speak their minds through their responses.  To ensure accuracy, you have the option to restrict employees to take polls multiple times. 

In Carbonate HR, we facilitate accurate and faster data collection.  For example, a Staff can only send the response once only.

Only Admin and Managers with Communication privileges can set the limit to poll responses.

Before doing so, a poll must be created or existing.


Step 1

On the dashboard, go to the Communication section.

Go to the Polls tab.

Step 2

When you need to limit the response on a published poll, click the number on the Answer as what is shown on B.

When you need to set the limit on a new poll, click the Create button.

Step 3

When you need to edit a published poll and click on the B, the Poll Result box will appear.

Click Re-send poll.

Then, Create a New Poll box will appear.  Both B and C methods will lead to Create a New Poll box. 

Step 4

When Create a New Poll box appear, scroll down.  Toggle the button on Response only once per user*.

Once the poll is ready to publish, click Send.

Otherwise, click Save as Draft.


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